An excellent ORGANIC Yerba Mate enhaced with Natural Herbs: Poleo, Peppermint & Mint. If you like an aromatic herbal infusions, this is the yerba for you! It will give your experience and extra boost of flavor and healthy nutrients.
Poleo (Rocky Mountain Brookmint) – This pleasant smelling herb belongs to the mint family, and is a tasty addition to sun teas and cold beverages. Traditionally, Poleo plant has been used for soothing stomachaches, colic & headaches. It is also known to be good for cooling down fevers or beginning stages of a cold. Poleo promotes perspiration, which assists your body to release toxins.
Mint- The compound primarily responsible for the aroma and flavor of spearmint is R-carvone. It was originally used as a medicinal herb to treat stomach ache and chest pains. During the Middle Ages, powdered mint leaves were used to whiten teeth. Mint is also known to assist on the digestion process.
Peperina or Peppermint– It´s a member of the “mint-like” aromatic herbs (of the genus Minthostachys and the Family Lamiaceae), which are limited to mountain zones of South America, with about 12 species distributed at various altitudes from Venezuela to Argentina. The peppermint herb is a hybrid of water mint and spearmint and was first discovered in 1750 in London, England. Peppermint is now grown throughout the U.S. and Europe. The leaves and stems of peppermint have relatively high oil content and are the part of the plant used medicinally. When taken orally as tea or tablets, peppermint is also used for relieving respiratory conditions such as colds, coughing, acute respiratory difficulties, and for bacteria, fungal, and viral infections. It may be inhaled as oil for soothing irritated nasal passages from allergies and can be rubbed on the chest for comfort and relief of other respiratory discomfort.
-Remember each Yerba deserves a personal experience. What’s good for one mate drinker may not be the same for another. If you are new to this world, you will get to play around with many Yerba flavors. Some Yerba Mate drinkers even find their personal “right blend” by mixing different brands. We encourage you to play around with this fun and healthy habit –
Taste will slightly vary as well if you change your mate cup and/or bombilla.
Production: This ia an organic yerba mate. Organic teas have no pesticides, herbicides or fungicides. Also, they do not have artificial flavors or ingredients of any kind. The packaging material that is used with the organic teas is also organic, as the paper that is used is recycled and biodegradable and the ink is water based.
Origins: Produced by a small and independent producer in Misiones, the land of the Yerba Mate.
Aging: Usually the aging process for the organic teas are longer than the regular therefore the flavor and aroma is better. It also makes the yerba mate less acidic.
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