There are many health benefits associated with Yerba Mate, this “liquid vegetable” (as it’s been nicknamed) is packed with nutrients and chemical compounds. In addition, research suggests that drinking yerba mate the traditional way (using a gourd and filtered straw) makes it uniquely beneficial to the human body (Bixby, 2005). It seems that the shape, materials that gourds are made of play an important role in the maximization of nutrient development.
YERBA MATE is known to support whole body health and cognitive function in many different levels:
- Provides with sustainable energy without jitters or crash
- Mood enhancer
- Natural toxin cleanser
- Appetite suppressant
- Reduces fatigue
- Immune system booster
- Acts as a central nervous system stymulant
- Stabilizes sleep patterns
- Delivers oxygen to the heart and lungs during exercise
- Increases mental clarity & focus
- Increases creativity
- Increases strength, energy and endurance
- Increases the supply of nutrients & oxigen to the heart during excercise
- Reduces blood pressure
- Breaks down fat (lipolytic)
- Relaxes the muscles
- Increases libido
- Know to alleviate allergy symptoms
- Great natural dietary supplement
- Hydrates your body
- Reduces bad cholesterol
- Great source of antioxidants
- Source of 15 amino acids
- Contains 24 different vitamins and minerals
- Increases the alkalinity of the PH of your body
- Known as beneficial for fighting some cancers (ie. colon)
- Appears to reduce the risk of type II diabetes & hipoglycemia
- Relieves allergies
Yerba mate contains:
- 24 vitamins and minerals
- Vitamins: A, C, E, B1, B2, Niacin (B3), B5, B Complex
Minerals: Calcium, Manganese, Iron, Selenium, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc
- Vitamins: A, C, E, B1, B2, Niacin (B3), B5, B Complex
- 196 volatile (or active) chemical compounds found in the yerba mate plant (of which 144 are also found in green tea)
- Additional Compounds: Carotene, Fatty Acids, Chlorophyll, Flavonols, Polyphenols, Inositol, Trace Minerals, Antioxidants, Tannins, Pantothenic Acid
- 15 amino acids
- 11 polyphenols, a group of phytochemicals which act as powerful antioxidants.
Polyphenols are known to show anticancer effects in mammals by strengthening an organism’s natural defenses, and protecting it against cellular destruction. In addition to polyphenols, yerba mate leaves contain saponins. Saponins are phytochemicals that have been found to specifically stimulate the immune system and aid the body in protecting against disease. In fact, a study found three new saponins in the yerba mate leaf.
These “natural detergent” compounds (glycosides) are found in a wide variety of plant life, which bind with cholesterol so it cannot be reabsorbed into the system and is excreted from the body.
Yerba mate is also high in chlorophyll which helps reduce the binding of carcinogens to DNA in the liver and other organs. It also breaks down calcium-oxalate stones (better known as kidney stones) and can boast higher polyphenol and antioxidant counts than either green or black teas.
Yerba Mate contains three xanthines: caffeine, theobromine and theophylline, the main one being caffeine. Caffeine content varies between 0.7% and 1.7% of dry weight (compared with 0.4– 0.9% for tea leaves, 2.5–7.6% in guarana, and up to 3.2% for ground coffee); theobromine content varies from 0.3% to 0.9%; theophylline is present in small quantities, or can be completely absent. A substance previously called “mateine” is a synonym for caffeine (like theine and guaranine).
Dried yerba mate tea contains around 1% available caffeine (ranging from 0.5-2%) when made into a tea with warm to hot water. Hot water appears to provide very good solubility for the caffeine and theobromine, although ethanol (alcohol) and super critical carbon dioxide have been investigated for commercial production of extracts. Boiling water reportedly extracts slightly (5-10%) more caffeine than cold or hot water steeping. It is said that boiled yerba mate tea is less pleasant tasting which may be the result of additional materials such as tannins and oils being extracted from the leaves in addition to caffeine. Remember yerba mate is not coffee, and it’s not just caffeine. It´s a very nutritious beverage that can give you a pleasant morning jolt without coffee’s jitters.
Researchers at the Free Hygienic Institute of Homburg, Germany, concluded that even if there were caffeine in yerba mate, the amount would be so tiny that it would take 100 tea bags of maté in a six ounce cup of water to equal the caffeine in a six ounce serving of regular coffee.
Table of Nutrients
Vitamin A
Potent antioxidant. Essential for immune system. Prevents night blindness. Aids in skin disorders and acne. Necessary for tissue repair and maintenance.
Vitamin C
Potent antioxidant . Vital for tissue growth and repair. Benefits immune system.
Vitamin E
Aids circulation. Vital for tissue repair and maintenance. Potent antioxidant. Useful in treating PMS, fibrocystic breast disease. Benefits immune system.
Vitamin B1
Essential for the function of the nervous system, heart muscles, and brain. Aids in the metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.
Vitamin B2
Creates body tissue and red blood cells. Aids in the metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Aids in treating osteoarthritis. Helps in the metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Benefits digestion.
Vitamin B5
Aids in metabolizing fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Potent antioxidant. Enables adrenal gland function and nerve transmission. Helps production of red blood cells.
Biotin aids in cell growth, in fatty acid production, in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, and in the utilization of the B-complex vitamins. Biotin also promotes healthy sweat glands, nerve tissue, and bone marrow.
Necessary for nerve transmission, gallbladder regulation, and liver function, choline also minimizes excess fat in the liver and aids in hormone production.
Is vital for hair growth. It helps prevent hardening of the arteries and helps remove fats from the liver.
Assists in blood clotting and regulates hormones, muscle contractions, and nerve
impulses. Strengthens bones and teeth.
Essential for bone and cartilage formation. Aids in sex hormone function. Activates enzymes for vitamins absorption. Necessary for metabolism of proteins, fats, and cholesterol.
Essential for immune function. Vital for hemoglobin production. Aids in energy production.
Antioxidant. Preventative against heart disease and cancer. Aids immune response. Needed for tissue elasticity.
Necessary for nervous system, hormone, and muscle function. Regulates blood pressure and controls heart activity. Balances water/sodium balance.
Essential for heart and muscle function. Vital for bone formation. Aids enzymatic systems.
Vital for healthy tissue repair and growth. Necessary for metabolism of calcium, vitamins, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Aids in energy production.
Helps to disinfect the blood and aids in the resistance of bacteria. It aids in oxidation reactions, stimulates bile secretions in the liver, and protects against toxic substances.
Amino Acids
Amino acids are the building blocks of life, joined together in chains that make up proteins. Proteins are a necessary part of every living cell in the body.
The DNA code that is inherent in every single cell is actually information regarding how to make that cell’s proteins.
The proteins that make up the human body are not obtained directly from a person’s diet.
Rather, a person ingests amino acids, which the body then uses to build the specific proteins it needs.
There are approximately 28 commonly known amino acids. These amino acids combine to form the hundreds of different proteins that make up all living things.
In the human body, the liver produces about 80% of the amino acids needed. The remaining 20% must come directly from the diet, and are thus called: essential amino acids.
Helps in the growth and repair of tissues. Is needed for the production of both red and white blood cells.
Necessary for hemoglobin formation. Stabilizes and regulates blood sugar and energy levels.
Protects muscle and acts as a fuel for the body. Promotes healing of bones, skin, and muscle tissue.
Building block for all protein. Helps calcium absorption and maintains a proper nitrogen balance in adults. Aids in the production of antibodies, hormones, and enzymes. Helps in collagen formation and tissue repair.
Assists in the breakdown of fats, preventing the build-up of fat in the liver and arteries. Aids the digestive system. Very beneficial for allergic chemical sensitivities and osteoporosis.
Aids liver function by helping to prevent fatty buildup. Enhances the immune system by aiding in the production of antibodies.
Cures insomnia, helps stabilize moods and is used by the brain to produce serotonin. Alleviates stress, aids the heart and helps with weight control.
Treats anxiety, depression, allergies and headaches. Acts as a mood elevator, suppresses the appetite and reduces body fat.
Stimulant effect. Enhances muscle metabolism, tissue repair and nitrogen balance.
Aside of its numerous health benefits, yerba mate is also an infusion with a wide variety of great flavor characteristics. The flavor differs from one brand to another depending on factors such as the altitude that the tree was planted, the type of soil, when do they harvest the leaves, how long do they let it age, how they dry it and so on. Therefore, we get many flavors with the same nutritional characteristics.
Sip and enjoy yerba mate health benefits!