Since 2002, our commitment to the Yerba Mate drinkers community worldwide remains the same as day one: offer the best quality and fair prices.
I´ve always been in love with yerba mate and its marvelous properties. Needless to say mate gourds too. To me they are pieces of art. Each gourd has its own soul. Same applies to bombillas. Back in 2001 I decided to spread the word internationally by selling mate gourds, bombillas and of course yerba mate tea through eBay.
Want to know how many yerba mate sellers were offering their products on eBay back then? Only 2 argentine sellers. I was one of them. I still remember the nickname of the other seller, “Purpeta”.
My best customer, by far, was a lady named Sybbie. She was from North Carolina, USA. She had came across yerba mate on a trip she took to Guatemala. Very soon we discovered we had the same passion for the beverage and became very close friends.
One day while we were chatting about mate gourds, brewing techniques and life in general I asked her if she would love to have a yerba mate website of our own. She agreed immediately so we decided to start working on one. It was a pretty crazy idea at the time as yerba mate was hardly known outside South America. But we were and still are so convinced about yerba mate health properties that we decided to make a go at it no matter what.
The first three years were tough. Really tough. Very few people registered or purchased from us and things were very, very slow. Things got better in 2005 and, thank the Lord, we are still in business today.
Our aim has always been to offer the best service possible, excellent information, a wide variety to choose from and fair prices.
Alejandro / My Mate World